In the world of personal injury law, managing medical expenses is a critical part of securing a fair settlement. Traditionally, many plaintiffs rely on Letters of Protection (LOPs), where a medical provider agrees to offer treatment on a lien basis, holding off on collecting payment until the case settles. However, an increasingly advantageous alternative to LOPs is plaintiff funding through companies like Covered Bridge Capital. This innovative approach offers numerous benefits for plaintiffs, their attorneys, and medical providers.

Flexibility in Choosing Medical Providers

One of the most significant advantages of opting for plaintiff funding instead of issuing a Letter of Protection is the flexibility it provides. When a medical provider agrees to an LOP, the plaintiff is often restricted to receiving care from that particular provider. However, with plaintiff funding, the attorney and the plaintiff are no longer bound by these limitations. They have the freedom to choose the best possible medical provider or specialist for the plaintiff’s specific needs, regardless of whether that provider accepts an LOP.

This flexibility can have a profound impact on the overall quality of care the plaintiff receives. In many cases, securing treatment from a reputable and skilled provider can improve the plaintiff’s recovery and, as a result, potentially increase the settlement value of the personal injury case. Better care leads to better medical outcomes, which, in turn, strengthens the case for damages and compensation.

Covering More Than Just Medical Procedures

Another key advantage of plaintiff funding through Covered Bridge Capital is that it can cover a wide range of expenses beyond just the medical procedure itself. With a Letter of Protection, the medical provider typically agrees to cover specific services or procedures. However, this often leaves plaintiffs struggling with other medical-related costs, such as hospital fees, rehabilitation, or follow-up care.

Plaintiff funding offers a more comprehensive solution. When a plaintiff receives an advance through Covered Bridge Capital, those funds can be used to cover **all** medical expenses, not just the procedure. Additionally, the advance can help cover personal expenses while the plaintiff recovers, providing much-needed financial relief during a difficult time. This can ease the burden on the plaintiff, ensuring they can focus on healing instead of worrying about mounting bills.

Payment in Full: A Negotiating Tool for Medical Providers

Medical providers, too, can benefit from plaintiff funding. Unlike a Letter of Protection, where the provider is taking a financial risk by delaying payment until the case settles, plaintiff funding ensures they receive payment in full on the day of the procedure. This certainty can often result in a negotiated discount on the overall cost of the medical care, as providers appreciate the security of immediate payment.

The ability to negotiate down the cost of a procedure not only benefits the plaintiff but also strengthens the case for the attorney. By lowering the medical expenses, more of the settlement can go towards compensating the plaintiff for pain, suffering, and other damages.

Direct Payment to Medical Providers

One of the hallmarks of plaintiff funding through Covered Bridge Capital is that it functions much like a typical plaintiff advance but with a key distinction: the funds are sent directly to the medical provider(s) rather than the plaintiff. This eliminates the concern that the advance might be used for non-medical purposes and ensures that the necessary care is paid for without delay.

Attorneys can rest easy knowing that their client’s medical bills are handled, and plaintiffs can access the high-quality care they need without being limited by LOP agreements. The efficiency and clarity of this payment method simplify the process for all parties involved.


Plaintiff funding offers a modern, flexible, and effective alternative to Letters of Protection for managing medical expenses in personal injury cases. By opting for an advance from Covered Bridge Capital, plaintiffs and their attorneys gain the freedom to select the best medical providers, potentially increasing the settlement value of the case. Medical providers benefit from immediate payment, often allowing for the negotiation of lower procedure costs. Moreover, the plaintiff’s advance can cover not only the medical procedures but also other medical and personal expenses, offering comprehensive financial support during the recovery process.

In the competitive landscape of personal injury law, choosing plaintiff funding over Letters of Protection is a smart move that benefits everyone involved.